Over time I used the metaphors of architecture or engineering to describe the leader's framework for designing and building teams and organizations. These principles provided an anchor for me as I navigated through dynamic waters.

I then discovered a growing body of knowledge among the organizational development (OD) community on the topics of organizational architecture and organizational engineering. More...


OA-OE functions as a digital aggregation service for organization architecture-organization engineering and related topics.


To be the trusted resource of authoritative modern content for learners and builders of organizations.


To find, catalog and share the finest content in the world regarding topics that define and describe an organization's journey from inception to transformation and beyond including the people dynamics that enliven growth.


Place credit where it belongs. Create valid original content. Be open to dialogue and critical thinking.


Build a first generation online practitioner portal. Unite a community of contributors who will also draw from their experience. Share to teach and to learn.



My name is Alberto E. Gomez.  I've had the good fortune to learn directly (and indirectly) from a diverse group of thought and business leaders over the years. I've collaborated with teams across the various industries of retail, fashion, hospitality, music, construction, media, finance, human resources, professional services and more. The operations I’ve been a part of have ranged from local mom and pop shop to multinational corporation(s) with a sizeable global footprint.

These companies provided business to business (B2B) and/or business to consumer (B2C) services on a consultative basis or through outsourcing.  The blended workforce provided unique solutions, services and products which utilized a mix of home grown or polished technology enablers. Each bundled through vanilla, configured or custom deployments optimized to meet the needs of the day. I'll share  a few lessons learned across three areas; people, process and systems.

A bulk of my experience comes from being on the front lines, asking difficult questions and interfacing with colleagues, customers, vendors, and shoppers or lookers (those not necessarily buying but looking for context for their own existence and actions).

I meditate on the people, processes and systems I've encountered along the way and ask myself what leads to business failure? What leads to business success?  Why did this business grow or that business shrink? What does it take to be a successful organization? How do individuals and organizations learn and grow best? How to inspire and to engage my team? How do we make money? 

These questions and many more led me to think about design, strategy, training, knowledge management and other key topics. I have developed private client intranets, social communities and peer networks over the years for project / engagement purposes. This site is a natural outgrowth from those experiences. Hope you find value.

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