Defining Dash
Dash as defined by Princeton: hyphen, (a punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when the word is divided at the end of a line of text). OA-OE.COM defines Dash as: D.A.S.H. is an acronym that stands for DIGITAL AGGREGATION SERVICE™ FOR HUMANS.
We present our definition of D.A.S.H. with the Paradigm of Microsoft's new Mapping initiative as a metaphor. The following TED.COM video provides a visual experience regarding Microsoft's new 3 D Mapping initiative. acts as an aggregator of digitized intelligence for individuals or organizations who learn as a group, collective, community and or society. Our D.A.S.H portal, blog and newsletter provides 360 degree and 3 Dimensional perspectives for designers and operators who create and pair maps for tomorrow's workforce.